Valeport miniSVP: Sound Velocity Profiler
Valeport miniSVP: Sound Velocity Profiler
Survey Equipment

Valeport miniSVP: Sound Velocity Profiler

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The miniSVP, is a budget Sound Velocity Profiler designed to make the best SV measurements in the world available to everyone. It is simple to use, easy to handle, and features the most accurate SV sensor in the world.


It has Valeport’s unique acclaimed “time of flight” SV sensor.

Available in either 500m rated acetal or 6000m rated titanium versions.

A single C cell and large Flash memory allow hundreds of profiles to be recorded.

The pre-programmed profiling patterns allow it to be set up and deployed quickly and easily.

Includes a PRT temperature sensor, and strain gauge pressure transducer.


Sound velocity range: 1375 – 1900 m/s

Temperature range: -5°C to +35°C

Pressure range: 10, 50, 100, 300 or 600 Bar

Electrical internal: 1 x C cell, 1.5v alkaline or 3.6v lithium

Sampling modes continuous: Regular output from all sensors at 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 Hz



Coastal and small boat applications.

Ideal for industries ranging from academia to military

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