NETmc Marine videoTXT: Video Overlay
NETmc Marine videoTXT: Video Overlay
Survey Equipment

NETmc Marine videoTXT: Video Overlay


The videoTXT is a Solid state “instant on” video text screen writer ? with selectable font sizes & shades. An enhancement of the overlay system that is built-in to our DVR Inspector and DVR Peli, this 1U rack mountable overlay has been designed specifically for the ROV/Diver market and can be operated from a standard PS2 keyboard or via an RS232 link from a PC or NAV computer


1U Rack mount chassis

Solid-state instant power on/off

PS2 keyboard input

Triple RS232 serial inputs

Uses established serial commands


Auto select PAL/NTSC

Selectable font sizes

Analogue input, 1 x Isolated (ideal for CP) + 3 Regular channels, all 12 bit A-D with independent position/scale/offset/prefix/suffix


Designed specifically for the ROV/Diver market

Ideal for pipeline surveys

Product Enquiry

Case Studies