Sonardyne Dunker 6: LBL and Telemetry Transceiver
Unique Group offers the Sonardyne Dunker 6 LBL, which is a 6G Sonardyne Wideband 2 Long BaseLine (LBL) and telemetry transceiver specifically designed for vessel deployment. The super duplex stainless steel housing with shock and vibration isolated electronics makes for an extremely rugged dunking system.
High power, long range LBL transceiver
MF frequency band utilising Sonardyne Wideband 2 ranging and telemetry protocols
More robust performance in shallow water and reverberant environments around structures
Real-time diagnostics available on ranges to enable quality control
Rugged mechanics and connectors, shock mounted internal electronics
Depth rating: 1,000 metres
Operating frequency: MF ( 19-34 kHz)
Ranging precision: Better than 15 mm
Operating voltage: 24 or 48 V DC
Mechanical construction: Super-Duplex stainless steel
Use it to recover data from Fetch and AMTs
Perfect for commanding LBL transponders