Sonardyne ROVNav 6: LBL Transceiver and USBL Responder
Sonardyne ROVNav 6: LBL Transceiver and USBL Responder
Survey Equipment

Sonardyne ROVNav 6: LBL Transceiver and USBL Responder


The Sonardyne ROVNav 6 is a 6G? ranging and telemetry Long BaseLine (LBL) and telemetry transceiver specifically designed for installation on work class ROVs. Its high power output and Sonardyne Wideband?2 signal processing offers improved range and acoustic performance in challenging conditions such as on noisy vehicles or in multipath environments.


High power, long range LBL transceiver

MF frequency band utilising Sonardyne Wideband 2 ranging and telemetry protocols

More robust performance in shallow water and reverberant environments around structures etc

Real time diagnostics available on ranges to enable quality control

USBL compatible responder with emergency transponder mode (Liion battery)


3,000 to 5,000 metres depth rating (7,000 metres on request)

MF (19-34 kHz) operating frequency

Omni-Directional transducer beam shape

187-196 dB (4 Levels) transmit source level

193-202 dB tone equivalent energy (TEE)



Bathy survey

Structure deployment operations, without the requirement for any additional interfacing on the ROV.

Product Enquiry

Case Studies