Client Name: Certex Ltd
Unique Group’s Water Weights brand water-filled proof load bags offer varying capacities from 1 to 110-tonnes which provides an easy, safe and cost-effective means of load testing all kinds of lifting equipment and load-bearing structures.
Water-filled bags offer a significant advantage over traditional forms of solid weights because the test load is applied gradually and precisely.
A comprehensive range of products to suit all applications is available for hire or sale. Get in touch with us buoyancyballast@uniquegroup.com
Summary of the Project
Unique Group’s Buoyancy & Ballast division successfully completed a 200t load test on a jack-up using water-filled proof load bags, in a day

Client Requirement
Following the successful load testing on Seajacks Ltd ‘Kraken’, Unique Group’s Water Weights brand was requested to assist Certex in a proof load test on the sister jack-up ‘Leviathan’.
The client required a 200t load to be applied in increments so they could take comparison readings on the crane’s safe load indicator in order to verify accuracy.
Unique Solution Delivered
We achieved the client’s requirement of 200t by using 6 water-filled proof load bags of 35t capacity configured in two sets of three hung from a Unique Group calibrated 250t load shackle.
All the rigging and loading was completed in a day and our client was very satisfied.
Benefits delivered
- On-site Support and quick mobilisation
- Efficient and reliable method
- HSEQ Compliant
- Project completed within schedule

Client Name: Certex Ltd
Unique Group’s Water Weights brand water-filled proof load bags offer varying capacities from 1 to 110-tonnes which provides an easy, safe and cost-effective means of load testing all kinds of lifting equipment and load-bearing structures.
Water-filled bags offer a significant advantage over traditional forms of solid weights because the test load is applied gradually and precisely.
A comprehensive range of products to suit all applications is available for hire or sale. Get in touch with us buoyancyballast@uniquegroup.com