Client Name: Wightlink Ferry
We specialise in the design, manufacture, supply and support of two main product lines: inflatable buoyancy products for diving, salvage and installation operations, and water bags for the load testing of cranes, davits, lifeboats, gangways and other load-bearing structures.
Get in touch with us at buoyancyballast@uniquegroup.com
Summary of the Project
Unique Group’s Buoyancy & Ballast division successfully completed a 60t load placement on the forward lower deck of a ferry to bring the propeller shaft out of the water for repair.
Client Requirement
The client wanted us to load the forward lower deck of an Isle of Wight ferry to cause the ferry to list forward and to the port, in order to bring the propeller shaft out of the water for repair.
Unique Solution Delivered
Based on our interactions with the client, we needed to use a load of about 60t. To achieve the load, Unique Group’s Water Weights brand used five 8t flexitainer bags and a 25t flexidam bag. The entire job was completed in three hours, and the repair on the ship was carried out in the evening after which the Unique Group bags were drained while sailing to the ferry’s usual berth.

Benefits delivered
- On-site Support and quick mobilisation
- Efficient and reliable method
- HSEQ Compliant
- Customised solution

Client Name: Wightlink Ferry
We specialise in the design, manufacture, supply and support of two main product lines: inflatable buoyancy products for diving, salvage and installation operations, and water bags for the load testing of cranes, davits, lifeboats, gangways and other load-bearing structures.
Get in touch with us at buoyancyballast@uniquegroup.com