Client Name: Frankfurt Airport
Unique Group’s Water Weights brand water-filled proof load bags offer varying capacities from 1 to 110-tonnes which provides an easy, safe and cost-effective means of load testing all kinds of lifting equipment and load-bearing structures.
Water-filled bags offer a significant advantage over traditional forms of solid weights because the test load is applied gradually and precisely.
A comprehensive range of products to suit all applications is available for hire or sale. Get in touch with us buoyancyballast@uniquegroup.com
Summary of the Project
Unique Group’s Buoyancy & Ballast division completed a passenger bridge proof load test at Frankfurt Germany using low-headroom water bags.

Client Requirement
Frankfurt Airport, our client, recently completed a new type passenger bridge and they reached out to Unique Group to perform proof load test of the construction. They specifically wanted us to use water bags to perform the testing.
Unique Solution Delivered
We would usually perform the platform testing using flexidams inside the bridge, however since the customer chose to utilise proof load bags hanging on the construction, we customised our solution to suit their requirement.
There were six lashing points at the bottom of the bridge, each of which was loaded to approximately 3.9 – 4.8 metric tonne. As there was not enough space to use six water-filled proof load bags, Unique Group’s technical team suggested to combine 2x two eyelets. Thus, using two 12t and two 5t low-headroom water bags and four calibrated load cells, we applied the load very accurately.
The small size of the water filled proof load bags and other equipment allowed the technical team of Unique Group’s Water Weights brand to travel with a normal pickup truck and small trailer, thus ensuring quicker and easier mobilisation.
Benefits delivered
- Customised solution – based on the operational feasibility
- On-site Support and quick mobilisation
- Efficient and reliable method
- HSEQ Compliant
- Project completed within schedule

Client Name: Frankfurt Airport
Unique Group’s Water Weights brand water-filled proof load bags offer varying capacities from 1 to 110-tonnes which provides an easy, safe and cost-effective means of load testing all kinds of lifting equipment and load-bearing structures.
Water-filled bags offer a significant advantage over traditional forms of solid weights because the test load is applied gradually and precisely.
A comprehensive range of products to suit all applications is available for hire or sale. Get in touch with us buoyancyballast@uniquegroup.com