EdgeTech 6205: Combined Bathymetry and Side Scan Sonar
EdgeTech 6205: Combined Bathymetry and Side Scan Sonar
Survey Equipment

EdgeTech 6205: Combined Bathymetry and Side Scan Sonar

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Unique Group in partnership with EdgeTech supplies EdgeTech 6205 Combined Bathymetry and Sidescan Sonar. The 6205 utilises EdgeTech’s next generation bathymetric technology to provide an enhanced and fully integrated, swath bathymetry and dual frequency side scan sonar system. The 6205, a Multi Phase Echo Sounder (MPES) produces real-time, high resolution, three dimensional (3D) maps of the sea floor while providing co-registered simultaneous dual frequency side scan imagery. It uses ten receive element transducers and one discrete transmit element.


Unrivalled swath coverage in shallow water when compared to other single head systems

High number of channels enables superior rejection of multipath effects, reverberation and acoustic noise commonly encountered in the shallow water survey environment.

IHO SP-44 Special Order compliant

Equidistant and Equiangle output options

Comes with EdgeTech’s Discover

Bathymetric Sonar Control Software


Side Scan Sonar Frequencies: 230 kHz – 550 kHz

MPES Bathymetry 230 kHz

Max-Sounding Depth: 225m

Max Swath Sector: 200°


Shallow Water Hydrographic surveys and Route surveys

Benthic Habitat mapping and Marine Debris search

Nautical charting

Military Rapid Environmental Assessments (REA)

Port & Harbor Security and Dredging Operations

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