Exail (iXblue) Octans G4: Subsea Gyrocompass and Motion Sensor
Exail (iXblue) Octans G4: Subsea Gyrocompass and Motion Sensor
Survey Equipment

Exail (iXblue) Octans G4: Subsea Gyrocompass and Motion Sensor


The Exail Octans 3000, is a subsea survey grade gyrocompass and complete motion sensor for water depths up to 3000m. It can be easily upgraded to full INS mode (i.e. ROVINS).


High-performance real-time outputs of true heading, roll, pitch, heave, surge, sway, acceleration and rate of turn

No spinning element hence maintenance free

Lightweight corrosion free housing for water depth up to 3,000 m, easy to integrate and interface, saves valuable mobilisation time

Obtain INS-class system with simple software upgrade

Fiber Optic Gyroscope (FOG), unique strap-down technology



Material: Titanium

Weight in air/water: 15/6.2 kg

Operating/storage temperature: -20 to 55°C/-40 to 80°C

Baud rate: 600 bauds to 115.2 kbaud

Resolution: 0.01 deg


ROV and offshore survey

Multibeam and sonar motion reference


Marine construction.

Product Enquiry

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