Gill MetPak™ Pro: Weather Station
Gill MetPak™ Pro: Weather Station
Survey Equipment

Gill MetPak™ Pro: Weather Station


The MetPak Pro Weather Station monitors the most essential weather parameters with the additional ability to connect up to four external measurement devices.


Ultrasonic wind speed and direction sensor

Highly accurate barometric pressure sensor and Rotronic Hygroclip temperature/humidity probe.

2 analogue inputs (water level sensor, pyranometer, pressure sensor, soil temperature sensor etc)

Allows for connection of a Pt100 temperature sensor

Digital input (tipping bucket rain gauge).


Digital outputs: RS232, RS422, RS485*, SDI-12 or Modbus (user selectable) * 2 wire point to point

Output baud rates: 4800-57600 (ASCII) or 1200 (SDI-12)

Output protocols: ASCII, SDI-12 V 1.3, Modbus (RTU and ASCII)

Weight 2.1kg (including bracket)

External construction: UV stabilised white thermoplastic


Suitable for meteorology monitoring for aviation and weather research.

Ideal for oil and gas, offshore platforms, vessels and port

Used by government agencies and renewable energy companies.

Product Enquiry

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