Gill MetPak™ RG: Weather Station
Gill MetPak™ RG: Weather Station
Survey Equipment

Gill MetPak™ RG: Weather Station


Unique Group offers the Metpak™ RG Weather Station which provides accurate weather measurements for seven parameters. It is supplied complete with a tipping bucket rain gauge adding to those parameters provided by MetPak at a very attractive price, while maintaining the reference quality measurement concept.


Measures wind speed and direction, precipitation, temperature, barometric pressure, humidity and dew point.

The rain gauge is included along with the base plate, 6 metres of cable and is calibrated to the MetPak.

SDI-12 Output

Gill ASCII Output

It has a variety of wind sensor options that can be mounted remotely from the weather station.


Digital outputs: RS232, RS422, RS485*, SDI-12 * 2 wire point to point

Output baud rates: 4800-57600 (ASCII) or 1200 (SDI-12)

Output protocols: ASCII, SDI-12 V 1.3

Weight 2.1kg (including bracket)

External construction: UV stabilised white thermoplastic


Suitable for harsh, coastal and fixed marine platforms where accuracy of the precipitation measurements is paramount.

Used for measuring weather conditions in varied environments

Suitable for educational research

Environmental monitoring and observation

Used by coastal weather stations and government weather departments

Product Enquiry

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