Gill WindObserver II: Ultrasonic Anemometer
Gill WindObserver II: Ultrasonic Anemometer
Survey Equipment

Gill WindObserver II: Ultrasonic Anemometer


The WindObserver II is a precision, solid-state ultrasonic anemometer which has been type approved by the Lloyds Register for use in marine and offshore applications. It provides wind speed and direction data via 1 digital and 3 optional analogue outputs and features and IP66 rated stainless steel housing.


Measures 0-65 m/s (234 km/h) wind speed

0-360? wind direction

IP66 rated stainless steel housing

Lloyds Register Type Approved

Unheated and heated models to match application and available power


Ultrasonic output rate: 1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 10 Hz

Wind direction range: 0 to 359?

Operating temperature: -55?C to +70?C (with heated option)

Digital outputs: RS422 & RS485 Full Duplex / Half Duplex

Size: 381 mm x 213 mm


Building controls/structural safety

Road and rail tunnels/transport safety

Ports and harbours

Marine vessel dynamic positioning systems

Aircraft landing systems and wind turbine control

Product Enquiry

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