R2Sonic 2026-V Plus: Multibeam Echosounder
R2Sonic 2026-V Plus: Multibeam Echosounder
Survey Equipment

R2Sonic 2026-V Plus: Multibeam Echosounder


Unique Group offers the new R2 Sonic 2026-V Plus which is a user-friendly high-resolution multibeam echo-sounder that has been added to the rental pool to further extend the availability and range of lower frequency vessel mounted systems. This system comes complete with an inbuilt INS in the receiver array allowing for closely coupled aiding of the data. This inbuilt INS allows for the acquisition of high quality data even when deployed on an over side pole mount.


The addition of the R2Sonic 2026-V with the 90kHz and 100kHz options allows for operation in water depths of 800m+. As we already have an extensive fleet of R2Sonic equipment the purchase of the 2026-V with the following options helps to fill a gap in our existing rental pool:

  • 90kHz & 100kHz Option providing extended multimode capability and range
  • Raw Water Column Output
  • Snippets
  • Truepix Backscatter
  • Integrated INS system (I2NS) c/w GNSS aiding.




Operating frequencies: 90-450kHz

Signal bandwidth: upto 60kHz

Number of soundings per ping: 1024

Sounding depth: 800 m+

Operating temperature: -10° C to 50° C

Beamwidth: 0.45° x 0.45° at 450kHz, 1° x 1° at 200kHz, 2° x 2° at 90kHz & 100kHz

User-Selectable Swath Sector in Real-Time: 10° to 160°


Unmanned Surface Vessels (ASV)

Deep water hydrographic surveys (to 800m+)

Cable route surveys

Site Investigations


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