Revelare: Underway Profiling Winch
Revelare: Underway Profiling Winch
Survey Equipment

Revelare: Underway Profiling Winch

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Revelare Systems presents a reliable, autonomous un-derway profiling system, made with robust, easily available, off-the-shelf parts. Built in response to demand for a field-serviceable and field-reparable product, this underway profiling system is made in Australia, consists of off-the-shelf industrial automation components, widely available connectors and cables and utilises an Australian made free-fall winch. Revelare Systems’ underway profiler can be fitted with sound velocity, turbidity, dissolved gas and other water column sensors.


The controller operates autonomously to conduct underway profiling in depths up to 100 metres. Profiling can be triggered manually, or automatically using time, depth, speed and surface sound velocity data sourced via Ethernet link to industry standard acquisition software, including QINSy.
The system automatically computes cast trajectory and operates the winch to freewheel the sensor during the downcast and retrieve when it reaches a preset safety altitude above the seabed.


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