Saab Seaeye Cougar-XT Compact: ROV
Saab Seaeye Cougar-XT Compact: ROV
Survey Equipment

Saab Seaeye Cougar-XT Compact: ROV


The Seaeye Cougar-XT is a compact, highly flexible and extremely powerful electric ROV with working depths of 2000 metres. Proven worldwide and recognised for its capability, operators now have the ability to undertake a range of demanding work tasks at much lower operating costs.


Shallow water inspection vehicle with proven handling capabilities in strong currents and in tight spaces.

Low profile and lightweight designed to reduce drag and minimise the effect of current.

Selection of tooling options designed for easy integration and to deliver results for any shallow water project.

Operated as a free swimming ROV for depths up to 300 m

Cabin Junction Box for connections between the surface and subsea.



The depth rating of the product is 300 msW

The length and height of the product is 1300 mm and 784 mm respectively

The launch weight is 270 kg

The forward speed is 3.8 knots

The thrust forward is 170 kgf, the thrust lateral is 120 kgf and thrust vertical is 110 kgf


Ideal for inspection applications where strong tidal currents are experienced.

Shallow water inspection

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