Saab Seaeye Cougar-XTi: ROV
Saab Seaeye Cougar-XTi: ROV
Survey Equipment

Saab Seaeye Cougar-XTi: ROV


The Seaeye Cougar-XTi leads a new generation of compact, highly flexible and extremely powerful electric ROVs that offer users the ability to undertake a wider range of demanding tasks at lower operating costs.


Using Saab Seaeye’s iCON? intelligent control system featuring self diagnostics and control via touch screens.

Highly manoeuvrable vehicle designed for work in strong currents and up to 2000 m depth.

Designed as an inspection vehicle or light work vehicle with a range of tooling skids for additional tooling options.

Highly flexible and extremely powerful electric ROV



The depth rating is of 2000 msw

The length is 1515 mm, height is 790 mm and width is 1000mm

The launch weight 435 kg

The forward speed is 3.0 knots and the payload is 80 kg

Thrust vertical is 110 kgf, thrust lateral is 120 kgf and thrust forward is 170 kgf


Compact inspection

Light work ROV

Undertake a wider range of demanding tasks at lower operating costs.

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