Seabed Moorings
Seabed Moorings
Survey Equipment

Seabed Moorings

Availability: ,

In line instrument mounts for installation of instruments on a mooring line

Shrouded and gimballed seabed moorings for high current ADCP deployments

Small stainless steel non-gimballed bed frames suitable for tide gauges and horizontally mounted ADCP’s such as Nortek Aquaprofiler

Buoyant in line moorings available for Nortek Signature 55 and TRDI Long Rangers


• Gimballed ADCP frames, shrouded or open
• Low profile “lobster pot” instrument frames
• Oceanscience Sea Spider gimballed ADCP frames
• Line mounted parallel moooring frame for acoustic release


Renewable Site Survey investigations

Oceanographic surveys

Marine research

Port and harbour surveys

Product Enquiry

Case Studies