Seafloor Systems: Echoboat 240
EchoBoat-240™ allows users to integrate robust equipment payloads and obtain professional-grade survey results remotely. Still two-person transportable, it is ideal for launching from a trailer or cart in areas where a manned boat is not feasible. Live props reduce weed entanglement, and the SVP is encapsulated in the bow. The wave-piercing hull was designed to efficiently collect data and save time in the field. It can also be lowered via davit from a survey boat to be used as a force multiplier, working alongside the main vessel.
Two person transportable.
Autonomous and remote-control operation.
UV resistant HDPE
GPS / GNSS Customer Specified
Available Sonar Modules: Single Beam, Multibeam
Velocity Profiler or CTD, Wi-Fi Remote Desktop, HD Thermal Camera
Remote Controlled Profiling Winch, LiDAR
Availability |
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