Sonardyne: Compatt/DPT Transponder Flotation Collar
Sonardyne: Compatt/DPT Transponder Flotation Collar
Survey Equipment

Sonardyne: Compatt/DPT Transponder Flotation Collar


Unique Group offers Sonardyne’s range of subsurface floatation collars which enable acoustic navigation and positioning transponders to be deployed, moored on the seabed and then recovered to the surface. The floats are compatible with all Sonardyne?s latest generation Compatt 6 and DPT Wideband transponders as well as previous generation Mk 5 and Mk 4 Compatts.


Manufactured from syntactic foam core encapsulated within a high visibility polyurethane elastomer coating

Compatible with Sonardyne Compatt 6, DPT, Mk5 and Mk4 Compatt transponders

Lifting eyelet inserts incorporated to ease transponder deployment and recovery

Designed to stack, not roll, on vessel deck


Available in 1,000, 3,000, 5,000 and 7,000 metre depth ratings

Dimensions of 1,000 m: 585 mm x 375 mm x 375 mm

Dimensions of 3,000 , 5,000 and 7,000 m: 595 mm x 445 mm x 445 mm


Assists with relocating the transponder using a vessel-based acoustic positioning system

Protects the acoustic transducer during recovery back onboard.

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