Sonardyne: RT6 Oceanographic Acoustic Release
Sonardyne: RT6 Oceanographic Acoustic Release
Survey Equipment

Sonardyne: RT6 Oceanographic Acoustic Release


RT 6-1000 has both receive and transmit functions, enabling accurate slant ranges and position to be accurately determined, and release actuation confirmed with a Working Load Limit (WLL) of 150 kg.

A wide variety of options, including Deck Topside, Ranger 2 or the RT6 app are available to control RT 6-1000. Sonardyne’s intuitive IP67 Deck Topside can be used with a dunking transducer and NFC reader to configure, release, geo-reference and report upon RT 6-1000. RT 6-1000 can also be tracked and released using all Medium Frequency (MF) band Ranger 2 6G
USBL systems. When used with a USBL system, the release is configured with the RT6 AndroidTM App. The App can also be used with an RT 6-1000 in Topside Control Mode to release another subsea RT 6-1000. The NFC link also provides the ability to enter RT 6-1000 into a storage mode when not in use, thereby significantly increasing the overall battery endurance.

A ‘screw-off’ release mechanism ensures a positive release action that overcomes any biological growth. All external parts are made of high strength plastics that provide excellent environmental corrosion resistance.

An optional attachment for the RT 6-1000 is a rope canister that allows items left on the seabed, for example, tools, cables and salvage, to be quickly and easily hauled up. This works by mooring one end of the rope to the item on the seabed and the other end to the RT 6-1000 via the attached canister of rope. As the transponder ascends to the surface, high strength rope is deployed from the canister. This line can then be used to pull up the item directly or retrieve heavier tag lines.


• MF frequency band utilising Sonardyne Wideband 2 ranging and telemetry protocols
• Intuitive operation through DeckTopside, paired with an MF dunking Transducer as a Shallow Water Deck Kit.
• Generate reports and monitor status with Deck Topside
• Track and release with Sonardyne MF Ranger 2 USBL systems
• NFC AndroidTM App available to test, configure, georeferenced and release RT 6-1000
• Uses Sonardyne Wideband 2 acoustic addresses
• Working Load Limit of 150 kg
• Depth rated to 1,000 m
• 13 months deployment with alkaline battery pack
• Integrated inclinometer
• Storage mode eliminates power consumption when not in use
• Reliable, ‘screw-off’ release
• Rugged, compact design


Depth Rating 1,000 m
Operating Frequency MF 19–34 kHz
Transducer Beam Shape Hemispherical
Transmit Source Level (dB re 1 μPa @ 1 m) 187 dB
Tone Equivalent Energy (TEE)1 193 dB
Receive Threshold (dB re 1 μPa) 13 months
Inclinometer Accuracy ±5°
Surface Unit Deck Topside, Ranger 2 USBL, RT 6 AndroidTM App
Mechanical Construction Anodised aluminium alloy, plastic and super duplex stainless steel
Operating Temperature -5 to 40ºC
Storage Temperature -20 to 55ºC
Maximum Dimensions (Length x Diameter) 450 x 65 mm
Weight in Air/Water3 2.0/0.5 kg


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