Tritech PA200 & PA500: Digital Precision Altimeters
Unique Group offers Tritech PA200 and PA500 digital precision altimeters, which offer configurable design with a wide range of options. The altimeters are supplied with AltTest diagnostic software which provides a simple way of communicating with Tritech altimeters.
Analogue and digital output.
Free running output and interrogated output.
Optional low operating voltage and highly configurable design.
Compact and low weight with Various connector options.
Millimetre resolution capability.
Operating frequency: 200 kHz (PA200) and 500kHz (PA500)
Beamwidth: 20° conical (PA200) and 6° conical (PA500)
Weighs: 1.15 kg in air, 0.8 kg in water (4000 m stainless steel body)
Analogue output: 0 to 10V DC (with 24V power supply), 0 to 5V DC or 4 to 20 mA
Digital resolution: 1 mm
ROV and AUV altitude.
Wave height and under ice measurement.
Integration with oceanographic sensors and bathymetric systems.
Low cost hydrographic surveys
Touchdown monitoring of subsea structures and bridge supports.
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