UG: Fast Diving Support Craft (FDSC)
UG: Fast Diving Support Craft (FDSC)
Diving + Life Support

UG: Fast Diving Support Craft (FDSC)


Unique Group’s FDSC is a robust Fast Diving Support Craft that meets IMCA and ADCI minimum manning standards. It can perfectly be used in close approach situations, and to protect divers and equipment, a waterjet configuration is installed on the craft.


Fitted out for Air /Nitrox diving operations with no Decompression Limits.

The tube around the craft is partially foam filled.

For Back-up/accidents, a two persons Recompression-tank (one diver and one medical) is available on deck to recompress the diver.

At the back of the FDSC a large retractable platform with a diving ladder, in conformity with the IMCA guidelines, is situated for easy entering and getting out of the water.

The craft has an enclosed superstructure for the helmsman, the diving supervisor and the standby diver.


Length o.a. 11.62 m; Length rigid hull 10.25 m

Width o.a. 4.10 m; Width rigid hull 3.50 m

Height 4.20 m

Draught 0.80 m

Weight approx. 10 tons


Commercial diving operations

Product Enquiry

Case Studies