UG Hydra WCB Series: Underwater Welding Current Breakers
UG Hydra WCB Series: Underwater Welding Current Breakers
Diving + Life Support

UG Hydra WCB Series: Underwater Welding Current Breakers

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Unique Group supplies the welding current breakers (WCB) that comprise double pole, single action, direct current ‘switch disconnect’, integral calibrated voltmeter and ammeter and Dinze type input/ output connectors housed in an ABS box. The circuit breaker is designed to break both the negative (-) and positive (+) side of the circuit with a single throw of the switch.


The voltmeter allows both the open circuit voltage (OCV) and arc voltage to be monitored during the welding operation.

The ammeter provides analogue monitoring of the current.

The WCB can be used with either positive (+) or negative (-) polarity by reversing the output cables.


The WCB Series, Underwater Welding Current Breakers are available in either 400A or 600A DC models, both of which are capable of breaking up to their maximum rating under load.

The WCB can be used with either Positive (+) or Negative (-) polarity by reversing the output cables.


The WCB is designed for use in welding or cutting operations where the electrical parameters do not exceed the maximum current/voltage rating for the unit.

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