UG: Hyperbaric Fire Extinguisher With Bracket 7L
UG: Hyperbaric Fire Extinguisher With Bracket 7L
Diving + Life Support

UG: Hyperbaric Fire Extinguisher With Bracket 7L

Availability: ,

Unique Group provides UG: Hyperbaric Fire Extinguisher with 7 L bracket. It has a discharge hose which is designed to fit directly to the HP refill source. It can be used in fires of Class A, B, and electrical origin (24VDC).


No special recharging adapters required

Refill cartridges of AFFF are available


Length: ‡ 540 mm

Dia: ‡ 230 mm

Weight: +8.8 kg

Capacity: 4750ml water/250 ml AFFF

Operating depth: 300 MSW


For use in fires of Class A, B, and electrical origin (24VDC)

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