UG: Umbilical Cutter
UG: Umbilical Cutter
Diving + Life Support

UG: Umbilical Cutter


Unique Group offers the Umbilical cutter, an emergency device used to sever the umbilical. Consists of a blade in a Stainless Steel housing which is actuated from within the bell by means of a hydraulic hand-pump.


Consists of a blade in a stainless steel housing, which is actuated from within the bell, by means of a hydraulic hand pump.

Designed to easily cut through a fully pressurised umbilical fitted with a Kellems grip.

Controls are mounted inside the bell.

The umbilical cutter is fitted with a safety pin, designed to resist an 80bar back pressure on the hydraulic system. This ensures that should any water or gas pressure be trapped in the hydraulic system, the umbilical will not be inadvertently cut.

108mm / 125mm diameter cutting aperture sizes are available.


Temperature: 0-52 degree C

Max Working Pressure:31 bar



Cable cutting

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